The Botanomorphs are a species of plant-like aliens that gain energy from both photosynthesis and digestion of living creatures. Their bodies consist of a shell that houses the central nervous system (which is often kept hidden), a central wood-like stalk, and vine-like appendages. They can grow their appendages at will, into any shape within reason, as long as they have the energy to do so. At the end of each appendage they can also sprout external organs, such as an external stomach (similar to that of a Venus fly trap, and used to catch/digest prey), special scent producing organs for communication and mating, and elgongated optical organs. It is known that they have 360 vision around their optical organs and see the world in complete hyperbolic 3d (instead of 2-d slices like most species). Using special 3-d viewing screens and controls, they can navigate their ships through space very naturally. Since they lack any form of spoken language, they mostly comumicate with other species through a combination of body language, gesturess, and sign language. Some also communicate through sculupture as their equivilant to written language.
Brotic are large species of arthropod-like aliens. Adults can weigh up to 3,000 lb. Their multi-segmented bodies can be anywhere from 8-10 feet long. From each segment extends two chitin tube structures, one on each side, that house and protect their tentacle-like manipulators. These can also act as legs when the manipulators are retracted. Each one can protract and retract individually. Besides these are two vestigial limbs at their front, each ending in a claw-like blade. In males, one claw grows larger than the other based off of levels of male-produced hormones. They have a recognizable head segment with five eyes and a simple flexable mouth tube surrounded by yet more smaller and weaker versions of their manipulators. Most are light-red to deep purple or bluish in color, depending on the water-conditions they hatched in. Brotic are known to be very analytically minded and technically inclined. Many choose to work in feilds relating to the natural sciences, engineering, or software development. As a species the majority are pacifists, most are vegetarian, and they generally like to interact with other species.
Buzzwi are very similar in appearance to Earth's gekos. They have smooth skin and rounded, tubualar bodies with five appendages in total, two on either side of the body and one connecting right before the base of their tail. Adults can be five to six feet from nose to the base of their tail, which adds another two or three feet. Colorful feather-like structures appear across certain parts of their body, including running down their backs and covering their chests and head. Their skin can also be a varity of colors and present a varity of patterns. Three limbs are dedicated 'legs' for standing, walking, ect. Each has a large disk-like 'foot' at the end. The remaining two act as arms, complete with 'hands' and 'fingers', though they appear more like the same large disks but cut into sections. The Buzzwi use static electricity to improve their grip on surfaces and (if strong enough) can even scale veriticle surfaces. While very few discoveries orginated from Buzzwi, they are known for their abilty to improve exsisting techonlogy. They are also known to have a strong desire to repair itmes, a dislike of throwing things out, and for their habit of making repairs and improvement to things even when not asked to.
The Deareel are slug-like creatures with flexible cartilage skeletons. Adults can be four to five feet long end to end. They have two tentacle-like nubs and a mouth on the 'front' end of their body, and two additional nubs along with 4 eyes on the 'back' end. Along their bodies, internal cartilage structures act as additional'legs', pulling them along the ground. They also can excrete fluids to increase or decrease friction, helping them move on various surfaces. They can navigate going either forward or backwards with ease, as their mouth also contains infrared receptors. When at rest, they fold into a C-like shape with their eyes facing the same direction as their mouth. They are an advanced species and one of the first to have ever contacted intellegant lifeforms. It is thanks to their theroies and discoveries that modern space travel was made possible. All motivated by their desire to travel and learn about other cultures. Hats are a status symbol (as they can only wear them at rest) and they love adopting fashions from other cultures to show how well-traveled they are. The current ambassador on Earth wears a silk top hat.
This species appears in their younger form to be humanoid, having two limbs with 'hands' and two with 'feet', although with only four phalanges each. However as the mature, they begin to lean forward, sprouting an extra set of limbs in the process, and begin to look more like a Ankylosaurus. In fact shockingly so, only with six limbs instead of four. The majority are very proud, with tight-knit families that mean more than anything to them. They are very aggressive toward anyone seen as a threat to them, their reputation, or their family. However, they for the most part don't believe in fighting the weak and helpless, and can in fact be very protective of such creatures.
This is a human-sized alien species that inhabits a dark, mostly forested planet. They are mostly similar in body structure to flying insects on Earth. They have vestigial wings along with three pairs of segmented limbs that can manipulate objects (though most prefer to use the uppermost pair). These limbs allow them to cling to and release from most surfaces. They communicate through bio-luminescent pulses through an organ in their chest, that can be difficult to see in well-lit areas. They also have large compound eyes that are very sensitive to light. They are often seen in dark veils and communicating with others through devices that amplify their natural light. Not very much of their many languages has been translated, so they tend to give off a very mysterious vibe.
Background by: Azyrit